The Pottsboro Area Public Library was organized in May 1985. In April 1986 the library was officially opened in a donated mobile home. October 1989, the Library moved to a location in Preston Plaza, Pottsboro. In 1991, the Resource Savings Building on Highway 120 was purchased with grants, donations and fundraisers. The Pottsboro Area Public Library was accepted in the Northeast Texas Library System (NETLS). It was the only all-volunteer library in the area, including the librarian. In Jan. 1998, the Library received a Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Grant to provide computers and equipment for patrons to access the Internet. Also in 1998, the International Rotarian District 5810 built and donated a 600 square foot addition to the Library.
It is operated by the Pottsboro City Operating Board, responsible for the daily function of the library. A separate organization, The Friends of the Library, holds fundraisers and secures grants and donations. We have one part-time salaried librarian, with volunteers serving in various staff positions.